Written by Nancy Houston
Narrated by Pamela Almand
6 hours, 57 minutes
Released 2/5/2018
Christian Living/Marriage
Salem Books
Buy CD*
Now a 2019 Voice Arts Award Finalist - Self-Help, Health & Wellness
Sex is powerful! Just saying the word “sex” can stir up all kinds of emotions inside people. Maybe it’s a positive emotion for you, or a hurtful, shameful, confusing one. It’s no wonder we humans struggle to understand its meaning and purpose. It can be difficult to talk about and even worse if we have experienced unwanted shame or grew up in a home where sex was a taboo topic.
In Love & Sex, Nancy Houston provides a compassionate view of human sexuality. Through the lens of Scripture, she unpacks the good God intended when he created humans as sexual creatures and honestly shows how that plan hasn’t been the case for many. You won’t find a critical examination of dos and don’ts but stories of redemption, grace, and hope. You will understand how you were shaped and how you are more than your sexual behaviors.
Many say, “What’s the big deal?” For others, sex is a huge deal, maybe too big of a deal. How do you find health, happiness, balance, and pleasure in this God-given gift? This book will be that road map for you. And if you have been one of the few unscathed by sexual shame or confusion, this book will help you develop a more compassionate lens for those who do struggle.
In a world of sexual chaos and confusion, we all need a healthy dialogue on this topic—not a black-or-white, right-or-wrong lecture, but a safe forum for discovering, learning, processing, and growing into passionate intimacy within the freedom of communion with our Creator.
Nancy Houston is an author, speaker, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Certified Sex Therapist specializing in individual, marital, and sexual issues. Nancy has been married to the love of her life for over 42 years. Together they have four wonderful married sons and six adorable grandchildren. Nancy has influenced marriage relationships by developing and teaching Marriage Revolution (a workbook and DVD series) based on her work with other couples and biblical insights.

Audie Award (the "Oscars"
of audiobooks) nominee
Pam Almand 's voice acting
career began in 1995 with a
Tylenol spot for national TV.
As an international 747
captain for Northwest
Airlines, she did voiceover
work all over the world in
her time on the ground and
eventually began full-time work as a professional narrator and voiceover talent, recording for clients including Audible, Amazon, Dell, Disney, Sony, Delta Airlines, The United Nations, Lexus, Johnson & Johnson, and more.