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Written by Mark Hitchcock, Jeff Kinley

Narrated by Paul Christy

6 hours

Released 4/11/2017


Tyndale House


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Are we on the verge of a great apostasy in the church?

“For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.” —2 Timothy 4:3-4

Jesus Christ is coming back. It is certainly a Christian’s greatest hope during these difficult times. The Bible warns us that the last days will be tumultuous—wars and rumors of wars will spread (Matthew 24:6). In our age, the world seems to be spinning out of control, creating fear, confusion, and uncertainty. In addition to violence, pestilence, and epidemics, the Bible predicts a great “falling away” from God in the end times. Bible teachers call that “the great apostasy.” Are we seeing evidence today in the church of this massive rejection of sound and wholesome teaching? Bestselling authors Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley team up to examine the evidence from the teachers of our time. Are today’s teachers allowing people to follow their own desires by telling them what they want to hear, as the Bible clearly predicts? Are major portions of the church ready to abandon sound and wholesome teaching?

Together, Mark and Jeff explore alarming trends among today’s church leaders and they are simply stunned by what they discover. The great apostasy is coming, but is it closer than we imagine? What does that mean for the future? Let Mark and Jeff be your steady guides to the difficult days ahead.


Attorney Mark Hitchcock thought his career was set after graduating from law school. But after what Mark calls a "clear call to full-time ministry," he changed course and went to Dallas Theological Seminary, completing master's and doctoral degrees. Since 1991, Mark has authored more than 17 books, serves as senior pastor of Faith Bible Church in Edmond, Oklahoma, and is also Associate Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary.  Mark and his wife, Cheryl, live in Edmond with their two sons, Justin and Samuel.

Jeff Kinley empowers people with God’s vintage truth through writing and speaking. A bestselling author, Jeff has written 25 books. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and is currently a doctoral student. Jeff is the president of Main Thing Ministries, an organization whose mission is to deepen teenagers, strengthening them to become life-long people of spiritual influence. He and his wife live in Arkansas and have three grown sons. See for more information about his ministry.


Paul Christy is a veteran voice actor, with a background in theatre, broadcasting and commercial VO.  Paul has been the voice of video games and e-learning programs, from U.S. military training to the English versions of Christian programs in Brazil.  For the past several years he has specialized in narrating audio books, and has completed over 70 to date. 

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