Written by Jim Putman, Bobby Harrington, Robert Coleman
Narrated by Jim Denison
7 hours, 52 minutes
Released 9/22/2018
Christian Living
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Over the last thirty years, many influential church leaders and church planters in America have adopted various models for reaching unchurched people. An “attractional” model will seek to attract people to a local church. Younger leaders may advocate a more “missional” approach, in which believers live and work among unchurched people and intentionally seek to serve like Christ. While each of these approaches have merit, something is still missing, something even more fundamental to the mission of the church: discipleship.
Making disciples—helping people to trust and follow Jesus—is the church’s God-given mandate. Devoted disciples attract people outside the church because of the change others see in their Christ-like lives. And discipleship empowers Christians to be more like Christ as they intentionally develop relationship with non-believers.
DiscipleShift walks you through five key “shifts” that churches must make to refocus on the biblical mission of discipleship. These intentional changes will attract the world and empower your church members to be salt and light in their communities.
Jim Putman is the co-founder and Senior Pastor of Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho. Prior to his role as senior pastor, he served as a youth minister in two small churches.

Dr. Bobby Harrington is Lead Pastor/Coach of Harpeth Christian Church and Executive Director of discipleship.org. He writes about Jesus and pours gasoline on the fires of disciple making, which is helping people to trust and follow Jesus. He is a Canadian now living in Nashville.

Since Jim started his narration and voice over business in 2013, he’s worked with over 60 clients worldwide, including nearly 50 audiobooks for Blackstone Publishing, ChristianAudio, and many more. He is an Earphones Award Winner - for this book! - one of the highest honors an audiobook narrator can receive. He has an extensive educational background in Christian studies (holding graduate and post-graduate degrees) and recently retired from 40 years of full-time Christian ministry (pastor, missionary, church leadership training, etc.). Jim is also the voice for the popular YouTube channel Top10Archive.