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Written by William M. Struthers

Narrated by Claton Butcher

6 hours, 24 minutes

Released 4/21/2020

Christian Life

InterVarsity Press



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Pornography is powerful. Our contemporary culture as been pornified, and it shapes our assumptions about identity, sexuality, the value of women and the nature of relationships. Countless Christian men struggle with the addictive power of porn. But common spiritual approaches of more prayer and accountability groups are often of limited help.


In this book, neuroscientist and researcher William Struthers explains how pornography affects the male brain and what we can do about it. Because we are embodied beings, viewing pornography changes how the brain works, how we form memories and make attachments. By better understanding the biological realities of our sexual development, we can cultivate healthier sexual perspectives and interpersonal relationships. Struthers exposes false assumptions and casts a vision for a redeemed masculinity, showing how our sexual longings can actually propel us toward sanctification and holiness in our bodies.


With insights for both married and single men alike, this book offers hope for freedom from pornography.


William Struthers (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago), is a Professor of Psychology at Wheaton College (IL) where he teaches courses on behavioral neuroscience, men and addictions and the biological bases of behavior. His theoretical research is in the area of neuroethics, the biological bases of spirituality and personhood, and the nature of integration in psychology. He is also interested in the Anglican tradition and in science/faith dialogue issues.

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Claton Butcher has narrated dozens of audiobooks, and also has over 15 years of experience as a worship leader and/or music pastor in local churches in Washington, Arizona, and South Dakota. Claton and his biggest fans:  his wife and young daughter - live in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota.

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